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National Guard Requested To Stop Sex, Drugs & Violence Gripping Boston Area HS [VIDEOS]

BROCKTON, MA – Frustrated and alarmed by the escalating violence, widespread drug use, and scandalous activities overtaking their school, members of the Brockton School Committee have taken a bold stand. This courageous committee has sent a resounding message to their mayor, calling for immediate action to restore law and order on the Brockton High School campus.

In a compelling letter penned on February 15, four committee members detailed the troubling events unfolding in recent months. The grim reality is undeniable – this institution of education has become a breeding ground for violence, security concerns, and substance abuse. The situation has reached such a critical point that a shocking 35 teachers were recently absent, serving as a painful reminder of the severity of the challenges faced by the school.

Brockton High, situated a mere 20 miles south of downtown Boston, boasts an enrollment of approximately 4,300 students, making it the largest high school in the state. Yet, the halls of this educational institution have transformed into a lawless battleground where chaos reigns supreme. Teachers have diligently voiced their concerns, decrying the unruly mob that roams the hallways during class hours, freely enters and exits the school grounds at will, and engages in vicious brawls on a daily basis.

Daily Brawls, Drug Use, and Lawlessness

Shocking revelations were unveiled in an emergency committee meeting held in early February, attended by alarmed teachers and administrators. Speaking out with unwavering courage, BHS teacher Eleri Merrikin exposed the sordid reality within the institution’s walls. She revealed the sordid details of students engaging in sexual activities, rampant drug use, and an alarming inclination to cut class in empty classrooms. The extent of the anarchy within the school was further emphasized by school secretary Cheri Mazzoli, who shared a harrowing account of being trampled by a mob of students rushing to witness a fight.

“They’re having sex and doing drugs and cutting class in empty classrooms.” – BHS Teacher Eleri Merrikin


Mazzoli vividly recounted, “The crowd came down the hall so quickly that I got swept up, not by the students fighting, but by the students that were rushing to watch and video the fight.”

The distressing incidents continue to escalate. A mere week before the committee meeting, an ambulance was dispatched to the school grounds to transport a student injured in a brutal assault. School Committee Chair and Brockton Mayor Robert Sullivan grimly acknowledged that such incidents are becoming alarmingly frequent.

A School Teetering on the Brink of Tragedy

The tide of violence reached a crescendo back in May when two students were stabbed during a brawl on the school playing field. As reported by the Enterprise [2], one of the injured individuals had to be airlifted to a hospital. The prevailing sentiment among the staff is that tragedy looms ever closer. Cheri Mazzoli ominously warned, “Unfortunately, staff now feels it’s only a matter of time before someone dies in our hallway.”

But it is not just the students who instill fear in the hearts of the faculty. Many educators now apprehensively await the day they are caught in the line of fire. The words of veteran math teacher Julie Fairfield echo with chilling certainty, “This year, it’s not a matter of if. I feel like it’s a matter of when.” Fairfield, who had spent 21 untroubled years in her classroom, now fears being attacked by her own students.

Her colleague, math teacher Cliff Canavan, experienced firsthand the violence plaguing Brockton High. In December, as he heroically tried to protect an unconscious student from further harm, Canavan had his arm broken in a savage attack. He lamented, “My focus was on those kids’ safety. Where’s the focus on ours?”

Desperate, disgruntled, and devoid of hope, many teachers have resorted to calling in sick out of fear of being assaulted at school. The bedrock of our society, those tasked with educating and nurturing the next generation, now live in constant terror.

Unyielding Plea for Help

Brockton Mayor Robert Sullivan has taken action to save their beloved school from the abyss. On Saturday, he forwarded the committee’s plea to Massachusetts Governor Maura Healey, urging her to deploy the National Guard to restore order. Recognizing the situation’s urgency, State Governor Maura Healey possesses the authority to deploy the National Guard.

However, it must be noted that Mayor Sullivan has openly expressed his reservations about this measure. This speaks to the gravity of the crisis gripping Brockton High School and the depths of despair to which it has descended.

As the fate of Brockton High School hangs in the balance, it is imperative that actions are taken swiftly. Will the National Guard intervene to safeguard the futures of thousands of students and protect the teachers standing on the front lines of this battle against anarchy? Only time will tell.

The Shocking CIA False Flag Plot To Terrorize America | Operation Northwoods [VIDEOS] [3]