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Gun Brandishing Suspect Shot Dead by New Mexico State Police [VIDEOS]

Last month, a routine attempt to arrest Francisco Hernandez, who had an outstanding warrant, took a fatal turn at an Albuquerque apartment complex near Tramway and Academy. New Mexico State Police arrived to apprehend Hernandez following an altercation with the Sandia Police a few days earlier. However, instead of cooperating, Hernandez attempted to flee the scene, resulting in a dramatic foot chase.

Police bodycam footage captured the tense moment when officers warned each other to take cover as they pursued Hernandez. As the situation escalated, Hernandez allegedly brandished a firearm, prompting at least two officers to open fire out of concern for their safety and the safety of the public.

The events culminated with Hernandez losing his life at the scene despite attempts by the police to provide him with medical aid.


State Police have initiated an investigation into the shooting while calling on potential witnesses to come forward with any relevant information. This incident comes amidst ongoing national conversations surrounding police conduct, accountability, and community relations.

As the details of this case continue to unfold, it has underscored the complexities and challenges faced by law enforcement officers in high-pressure situations. The Albuquerque Police Department remains dedicated to their duty to protect and serve the community, while also grappling with the ongoing quest for a balanced and fair approach to law enforcement.

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