Former President Donald Trump has recently outlined a ten-step plan to combat the deep state and corruption in Washington. In a video, Trump passionately declared his intentions to reclaim our democracy and dismantle the corruption within the government.

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First on his list is to immediately reissue his 2020 Executive Order that allows the President to remove rogue bureaucrats from their positions. Trump states that he will use this power aggressively, giving him the ability to clean out the corrupt actors in the national security and intelligence apparatus. Trump continued that these departments and agencies have been weaponized, with bureaucrats targeting and persecuting conservatives, Christians, and left-leaning political enemies.

To accomplish his goal, Trump plans to reform the FISA courts, which he said are so corrupt that judges do not care when they are lied to in warrant applications. Another step is to establish a Truth and Reconciliation Commission that will expose “hoaxes and abuses of power” that have been tearing the country apart. Trump says all documents related to Deep State spying, censorship, and corruption will be declassified and published.

Another major focus includes cracking down on government leakers who collude with the fake news to spread false narratives and subvert democracy. Trump plans to make every Inspector General’s office independent and physically separate from the departments they oversee to prevent them from becoming protectors of the deep state.

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Trump also promises to establish an independent auditing system that will continually monitor intelligence agencies to ensure they are not spying on citizens or running disinformation campaigns. He also wants to move parts of the federal bureaucracy outside of Washington, D.C., and ban federal bureaucrats from taking jobs at companies they regulate.

Finally, Trump plans to push for a constitutional amendment to impose term limits on members of Congress. He believes this will shatter the deep state and restore a government controlled by the people.

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