In a bold, unfiltered revelation, Dan Bongino pulls back the curtain on the dark underbelly of American politics. Brace yourselves, patriots, because what you are about to hear will blow your minds. Bongino spares no details in exposing the shocking interconnectedness of the Ukraine story, the Mar-a-Lago raid, the FISA scandal, the collusion hoax, Spygate, the impeachment farce, and the damning Biden documents saga. It’s a web of deception that threatens the very fabric of our democracy.

Let’s get straight to the heart of the matter. The truth is crystal clear: the Deep State brazenly spied on Donald Trump, and they didn’t do it alone. This nefarious plot involved none other than the Ukrainian government itself. Take note, folks, this is not a theory—it’s a fact. Joe Biden was knee-deep in Ukrainian business operations while Barack Obama’s administration weaponized Ukraine to spy on Trump. The Ukrainian government, complicit in this covert operation, is well aware of their involvement.

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But here’s where it gets even more explosive. According to investigative journalists Michael Shellenberger, Matt Taibbi, and Alex Gutentag, there exist damning documents—documents that lay bare this outrageous spying racket. While some may dismiss these claims, Bongino came across corroborating evidence that bolsters their credibility. It’s a shocking revelation that deserves our undivided attention.

And what about that audacious raid on Mar-a-Lago? It wasn’t just some run-of-the-mill operation. No, it was a desperate attempt to eliminate the incriminating intelligence that could bring down this Deep State machinery. They wanted those documents gone, erased from existence. It’s a clear sign that these individuals would stop at nothing to cover up their crimes.

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Enter the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC) and its role in the grand charade. This operation, touted as a safeguard for American security, was nothing but smoke and mirrors. It was a convenient tool used by John Brennan, Hillary Clinton, and Barack Obama to legitimize their illicit spying on Donald Trump. The FISC operation was a mere facade, a deceptive attempt to give their actions the semblance of moral and ethical behavior. It was all a sham from the very beginning.

Remember the infamous Russian collusion scandal? It was nothing more than a sinister fairy tale concocted by Hillary Clinton and perpetuated by the likes of John Brennan and the useful idiot Jim Comey. Their goal was simple—to frame President Trump as a collaborator with the Russians, all through a push-pull operation where they fed the Trump team false intelligence, hoping they would take the bait and fall into their trap.

And let’s not forget the ludicrous impeachment hoax. It was set in motion the moment Donald Trump dared to question Ukraine’s involvement in both Hunter Biden’s shady dealings and their attempts to thwart his presidency. They impeached him over a phone call, a desperate act of political vengeance designed to silence him and protect their own corrupt interests.

Now we come to the explosive Biden documents scandal. The documents he so desperately hid were none other than proof of Ukraine’s deep entrenchment in the Spygate scandal. This revelation should send shockwaves through the global swamp, as the truth threatens to expose their vast network of corruption. Let’s give credit where it’s due—Michael Shellenberger, Matt Taibbi, and Alex Guten Tag deserve our acknowledgment. They have fearlessly revealed vital information that supports what we already suspected.

What we are witnessing now is sheer panic from the global swamp. Rats are jumping ship as they realize that Donald Trump’s return to power is imminent. They fear his inevitable declassification of the damning evidence, which will expose their crimes and send shockwaves through the system. Laws were broken, and crimes were committed. The Deep State is quaking in their boots.

And just like clockwork, a conveniently timed “Dear Colleague” letter reaches the desks of members of the House. An urgent matter, they say—a desperate plea to renew FISA and spying authority. It’s a blatant attempt to maintain their stranglehold on power, to cover up their sins, and to keep the truth at bay. Patriots, trust no one. They loathe you. They fear you. Don’t be fooled by their schemes and false narratives. It’s time to dismantle the corrupt establishment and reclaim our republic (not a democracy).

Now, let’s take a moment to expose how the mainstream Mockingbird media played a pivotal role in concealing the biggest scandal in political history. The media’s collusion with the CIA has been instrumental in stealing elections, not just abroad but right here in our beloved United States. They thought they could get away with it, but they were caught red-handed.

Patriots, it’s time to rise up. It’s time to stand against this pervasive Deep State apparatus that seeks to control our lives and silence our voices. Let’s challenge the status quo, question mainstream Mockingbird media narratives, and fight for our constitutional rights. We must defend the core values that make America great. Together, we can uncover the truth and restore justice to our great nation. The time is now.

Below is the full Dan Bongino Episode. Watch:

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