Democratic strategist James Carville launched a scathing attack on young voters who have turned on President Joe Biden, warning they will have “no rights left” if former President Donald Trump were to be re-elected. The former Clinton adviser made his position clear in a video posted on Sunday.

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Carville advised those voters to watch the activities in the Supreme Court and warned that conservative Supreme Court judges would take away every right they have. He referred to the judges as “illegitimate whores” and said that the Supreme Court had no moral or legal legitimacy.

Carville urged Democrat operatives to tell young people to vote, saying: “You should vote like your entire future and the entire future of this United States depends on it because, quite frankly, it does, and that’s not an exaggeration.”

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“I’ve been very vocal about this,” Carville added. “It’s horrifying, our number among younger voters, particularly younger blacks, younger Latinos…younger people of color, particularly males.” Carville had no apologies for young voters who are “just not into this,” and called them out on their apathy towards the political affairs of the country.

Carville said young voters should get off their “motherfucking ass” and vote, saying that their future and the entire future of the US depends on it. He described their concern with the age of the candidates as misplaced and urged them to focus on the fact that the current election is a contest between Biden and Trump, with Trump leading Biden in most of the polling.

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