On a bustling block near the University of Chicago campus, a harrowing sequence of robberies unfolded Wednesday, prompting a courageous response from one student who boldly confronted an armed assailant. The incident, captured by a nearby surveillance camera, revealed the remarkable actions of Madelyn, 21, who thwarted a masked suspect’s attempt to steal her phone.

Moments before Maddi’s astonishing act of bravery, four armed suspects had targeted two students and fled the scene in a black Infiniti. The first robbery occurred at approximately 2:50 pm at 5640 South University Ave on the Hyde Park campus.

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Minutes later, Maddi found herself confronting a masked man demanding her belongings as she walked off-campus at 1367 East 56th St. In a display of outstanding composure and quick thinking, she seized the robber’s weapon and removed its magazine before tossing it aside, all while engaging in a tussle with the assailant.

Despite her extraordinary actions, Maddi emphasized that resisting armed robbery is not advisable and acknowledged the heightened danger it entails. Fortunately, there were no reported injuries, and the Chicago police have launched an investigation into the incident.

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Commending the swift response of the campus community and law enforcement, Maddi highlighted the importance of apprehending the perpetrators to prevent further crimes. She expressed her usual sense of safety on campus and urged for measures to identify and address the individuals responsible for the attack.

In response to the incident, UChicago Police advised the community to remain vigilant and emphasized the importance of avoiding resistance in the event of an armed robbery. Moreover, Michele Rasmussen, the Dean of Students, assured that campus security measures have been reinforced to ensure the safety of students and staff.

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Madelyn’s extraordinary courage in the face of danger serves as a powerful testament to the strength and resilience of the University of Chicago community. It also highlights the ongoing efforts to combat crime in the area.

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