NEW YORK— Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s case encountered a significant setback on Tuesday when Stormy Daniels testified about her alleged “sexual encounter” with former President Donald Trump, causing frustration among the judge and prompting the defense to move for a mistrial.

Although Judge Juan Merchan refrained from granting a mistrial, he expressed disapproval of Daniels’ conduct on the stand. The defense’s objections during her questioning were mostly upheld, and Merchan agreed that many details could have been better left unsaid. Daniels provided vivid descriptions, digressed with side stories, and inserted demeaning details that showcased her disdain for Trump, leading to concerns that the courtroom was turning into a gossip platform.

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The main focus of the case, as testified by Trump Organization accounting workers on Monday, is business records. The indictment alleges that Trump falsified these records in order to reimburse his former attorney, Michael Cohen, for hushing up Daniels about the alleged encounter before the 2016 election.

However, Daniels’ testimony threatened to shift the attention away from the business records and toward tabloid-like discussions. For instance, when asked about a dinner meeting in Trump’s hotel suite, she revealed that Trump had greeted her in pajamas. She openly mocked him and recollected calling him “arrogant and pompous,” even swatting him with a magazine. Daniels further described excusing herself to use the restroom only to return and find Trump in boxer shorts, leaving her bewildered about how she had misinterpreted the situation.

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Daniels’ tendency to perform on the stand was amplified by prosecutor Susan Hoffinger’s questions, which appeared to aim for sensationalism rather than helpful information. The defense frequently objected, and Merchan granted most of their requests, expressing his view that the level of detail was unnecessary.

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The defense later argued that these details were “prejudicial” to the jury and moved for a mistrial, claiming that the court couldn’t undo the impact they had caused. Defense attorney Todd Blanche accused the prosecution of seeking to “inflame the jury” by delving into unnecessary specifics.

During cross-examination, Daniels adopted a confrontational tone as defense attorney Susan Necheles suggested that she was motivated by financial gain and a personal animosity toward Trump. Daniels admitted her disdain for Trump but grew increasingly defiant when Necheles questioned the authenticity of her claim of being threatened in 2011 to remain silent about her encounter with Trump.

In response to Necheles’ assertion that the entire story was fabricated, Daniels firmly retorted, “No, none of it was made up.”

Necheles focused on details, particularly questioning why Daniels had not informed her husband about the threat to their infant daughter.

The defense will continue their cross-examination on Thursday.

Mike Davis:

“5 Pillars of Biden Democrats’ Criminal Case Against Trump

1. Soros-funded Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg, who campaigned on getting Trump, hired former DNC political consultant and senior Biden DOJ #3 political appointee Michael Colangelo to bring these unprecedented and bogus charges against Trump, after the prior Manhattan DA, the Manhattan U.S. Attorney, the Federal Election Commission, and Bragg himself declined

2. Convicted perjurer and disbarred attorney Michael Cohen, bitter he wasn’t Trump’s White House counsel and now profiting on TikTok from the trial, is their star witness

3. So is porn star Stormy Daniels, who has changed her story several times and is selling her porn videos through her pinned tweet

4. Biden-donor Manhattan Judge Juan Merchan, whose daughter Loren Merchan is profiting off her father’s unprecedented trial of Trump, has refused to follow clear New York statute and recuse

5. The Manhattan jury pool voted 87% for Biden, and Merchan rigged the jury-selection process to strike potential jurors who follow Trump–but not Biden–on social media

And if Trump mentions any of this, Merchan has threatened to imprison him after imposing a clearly unconstitutional gag order.

The Trump 47 Justice Department must investigate this obvious criminal conspiracy.

And these corrupt actors must face severe legal, financial, and political consequences.”

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