New York Governor Kathy Hochul has issued an apology after facing backlash for a remark she made during an address at the Milken Institute Global Conference in Los Angeles, California. Hochul’s comment, which insinuated that there are black children in the Bronx who are unfamiliar with the term “computer,” has drawn criticism from officials and lawmakers in the Bronx.

During her speech, Hochul highlighted the state’s ambitious plan to build a state-of-the-art supercomputer that would be accessible to researchers and college students and attract federal grants. She proudly stated that New York was leading the way, emphasizing the state’s commitment to innovation. It was in this context that Hochul made the controversial remark.

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She said, “We will be the best, we will be the first, and I want others to follow because right now we have young Black kids growing up in the Bronx who don’t even know what the word ‘computer’ is. They don’t know. They don’t know these things.”

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However, the remarks generated immediate criticism and sparked a response from Bronx officials and lawmakers. New York State Assembly Members Karines Reyes and John Zaccaro Jr. expressed their deep concern, stating that the perception conveyed about black and brown children from the Bronx was disheartening and troubling. They emphasized that these young individuals are brilliant, capable, and deserving of every opportunity afforded to other children.

Governor Hochul has since offered an apology and clarified her intentions. In a statement to the New York Post, she claimed to have misspoken and expressed regret for any misunderstanding her words may have caused. Hochul asserted that she understands that black children in the Bronx are aware of what computers are. The core problem lies in the lack of access to technology that hinders their path to high-paying jobs in emerging industries like artificial intelligence. She claims that economic opportunity and increased accessibility have been priorities for her administration since day one.

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