In a fight to secure election integrity, conservative legislators in Arizona are taking a stand to ensure fair and secure voting processes. Two prominent senators, Wendy Rogers and Sonny Borrelli, delivered impassioned speeches on Monday urging Mohave County (AZ) supervisors to prioritize paper ballots over electronic voting machines. With a focus on national security and historical responsibility, they emphasized the need for stronger oversight and transparency. This viewpoint aims to safeguard the democratic principles upon which the United States was founded.

Senator Wendy Rogers emphasized the historic opportunity presented by the Senate Concurrent Resolution (SCR) passed by the state legislature. The resolution empowers the legislature to determine the time, manner, and place of federal elections, addressing concerns about the encroachment of federal authority. Rogers urged county supervisors to implement the SCR, highlighting Arizona’s role as a potential trailblazer for other states to follow. By leading the way, Arizona can inspire other jurisdictions to reclaim their own plenary authority.

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Senator Sonny Borrelli underscored the critical national security aspect of election integrity. Citing various instances of cybersecurity vulnerabilities and potential foreign interference, Borrelli emphasized the need for robust oversight. He expressed concerns over the lack of transparency surrounding electronic voting systems and the absence of regulations to enforce cybersecurity standards. Borelli called for the adoption of Department of Defense standards and stressed the importance of public oversight in the election process.

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Both senators advocated for the use of paper ballots as a reliable alternative to electronic voting machines. They argued that conducting hand counts of all precincts could be accomplished with the help of dedicated volunteers. By involving citizens directly in the process, the integrity of the elections can be upheld, providing a higher level of transparency and instilling confidence in the outcome.

Rogers and Borrelli highlighted the issue of disenfranchisement faced by rural counties due to perceived mismanagement and corruption in larger counties like Maricopa. They stressed the urgency of addressing this concern and preventing further erosion of public trust. Borrelli specifically mentioned Cochise County’s struggle for a 100% hand count and the interference faced from the Secretary of State’s office. The legislators asserted that taking action at the county level is crucial to restore the integrity of the entire state’s elections.

Drawing on the sacrifices made by previous generations to protect American democracy, Borrelli evoked the memory of soldiers who fought for freedom. He urged county supervisors not to squander the blood and treasure spilled in defense of the nation. By embracing paper ballots and strengthening oversight, Arizona can honor the sacrifices of its veterans and safeguard the democratic principles that form the foundation of the country.

The fight for election integrity in Arizona underscores the need for secure and transparent voting processes. Senators Wendy Rogers and Sonny Borrelli’s speeches highlight the historic opportunity for Arizona to lead by example and inspire other states to prioritize paper ballots and enhanced oversight. By heeding these calls, county supervisors can restore public confidence in the electoral system and preserve the democratic values cherished by Americans for generations to come.

Of course, Democrats oppose this. Secretary of State Adrian Fontes sent a letter to the Mohave BOS claiming it would be illegal to go to hand counted ballots:

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