Do Americans realize all of that?

They mustn’t have otherwise I suspect that our country would look very different right now.

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The full-stop explanation for this is the Intelligence Community’s massive and pervasive propaganda machine the likes of which would makes Joseph Goebbels blush.

This machinery spews and espouses cultural Marxism ad nauseam: “systemic racism,” the trans/LGBQ agenda, Critical Race Theory, “white nationalism,” “domestic terrorism,” and more.

Those are all things that sow and effectuate division and division is the first step in ‘divide and conquer,’ which is the most ancient tenet of warfare known to man.

We’ve been in a war with cultural Marxists for decades.

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Those same Marxists then engaged us in biowarfare and on 06 May 20, while the rest of the world was deciding if two masks were better than one and dreaming of a vaccine they didn’t know [I did] would become the mechanism for that biowarfare, I stated this arduously evidenced position:

We are in an asymmetrical, irregular and undeclared war with China that aligns with Chinese hegemonic and military doctrine including it’s primary warfare vector, biowarfare.

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To kick an old, dead horse, the “pandemic” was the mechanism to steal 2020, hijack the Executive and install a Chinese proxy, Joe Biden, who runs point for the CCP in what amounts to Barack Obama’s fourth term.

No one else said this 54 days into a declared “pandemic.”

That’s exactly what I sent to Tucker Carlson in mid-May 2020; hearing back from Fox and then being ignored by them, him and everyone else since.

Now listen to Tucker.

It would seem that his normal daily routine begins by filling his coffee cup with Moonshine.

As it would be, I know some folks, they know some folks, we all know some folks and cell numbers are easy to come by.

Several days ago, I reached out to Carlson again.


Does the warning to be careful of false prophets apply to Carlson?

I can’t say for sure but it causes me to write with a large chip on my shoulder over this particular issue.

I love Carlson and his work, though, and as we learned in movie Swingers, “that’s the rub.”

The overarching analysis on World War III also incorporates the multiple-fronts of Russia/Ukraine, China/Taiwan/South China Sea and the Middle East/Iran/Iraq/Syria.

That big picture understanding and the review of it is important in order to properly situate the matters of Marxist communism, the State of Oregon and the plight of 10 Oregon State Senators as a clear indicator of the fate of a nation.

In order to grow something, something else must be planted and in the right cultured environment.

Cultural Marxism communism sprouted from the planting and germination of its seeds planted long ago, as one example.

From cultural Marxism, grows Marxist communism.

Study the following graphics closely because I believe them to depict the designs of overthrow.

These graphics are several years old now being produced in November 2021 and they are contained in my independent forensic analysis report on COVID-19 as a construct of enterprise [331 pages, 252 exhibits.]

This graphic represents the intersection of the Federal Reserve’s 37 geographic locations overlaid by COVID-19 policy laying-out how COVID-19 infection and mortality data is produced by 37 urban hub locations:

This is what happens when you overlay the graphic with the infusion of funding from Marxist functionaries like George Soros [and son Alex], to penetrate public offices like those for district attorney or secretary of state; and to penetrate elections, which are matters of the State and therefore under the umbrella of federalism, which is Marxism’s enforcement mechanism in many instances.

Their tactical objective is one-world rule.

Their enforcement mechanism is Marxist communism.

Inside the United States, the enforcement mechanism entails inverting federalism, which places state governors with mandate authority and state legislatures with lawmaking authority atop the enforcement hierarchy.

Federalism accounted for the widespread differences seen in “pandemic” mitigation from state to state.

Peculiarly, those differences fell along the lines generally outlined in the above graphics.

Funny how that works-out, isn’t it?

Relative to federalism, if Marxists can compromise enough state governors and state legislators to begin taking root, then Marxism can be installed in enough locations to begin growing the architecture for overthrow.

The analysis is clear: in order to overthrow the nation, not all 50 states must be overthrow but rather 37 urban hub locations that overlay the infusion of Marxist dollars, 37 COVID-19 data providers, state elections, state governors, state legislators and more.

We now understand the architecture of cultural Marxism and Marxist communism as applied to the U.S.,. federalism, states, governors, state legislatures and on down to local levels.

With that knowledge, look back up at the graphics and in particular, in the Northwest where Portland, Oregon is demarcated.

Marxist communism has no better cultured environment than the State of Oregon and arguably, Portland, Oregon is ground zero and home base for Marxist communism in America.

There’s another chip on my shoulder and it’s represented in the Xwitter post below: I lost everything because of COVID-19 and then Oregon Governor Kate Brown’s mandates [house, truck, cash life savings, job, career, benefits and full retirement; being forced into homelessness and relegated to living in a van for 14 months.]

I ran her down, of course.

When I pulled on Brown’s threads, they yanked on China.

I wrote the independent forensic analysis report on COVID on my own accord for use in my own fight to get back what was stolen from me by these people.

I got active in my local Oregon community doing weekly 2-3 hour presentations on the findings of my analysis and report.

This led to an introduction to Oregon State Senator Dennis Linthicum, which led to an introduction to Dr. Henry Ealy to join the team in an effort litigating for a federal grand jury petition for COVID-19 as a construct for enterprise fraud.

The team of Senators, judges, doctors, attorneys, investigators, researchers, specialists, etc. is led by Dr. Ealy, sponsored by Senator Linthicum and Senator Kim Thatcher and is represented by attorney Stephen Joncus.

All of my work and analysis is submitted to and serves that team.

For nearly four years I have been in service to the two honorable Senators and as I wrote below, you’ll not meet finer or more exemplary people.

Oregon State Senators Kim Thatcher and Dennis Linthicum

Several days ago in our regular private dialogue, the Senators indicated that they had been targeted by an amendment to the Oregon State Constitution allowing a partisan officer to exclude them from any future ballot over 10 or more missed and unexcused legislative sessions as determined by that partisan officer.

The controversial amendment was codified in 2022 despite Oregon’s long history of similar legislative walk-outs on both sides but slanted towards the Republican minority:


Historically, “Walkouts are stall tactics employed by the minority party, usually to kill specific legislation. Most bills only require a simple majority vote to pass, but the Senate and House can’t hold votes unless a quorum is present, meaning at least two-thirds of each chamber’s members,” as KGW8 Portland reports.

An analog for understanding the legislative walk-out is perhaps the congressional filibuster that is designed to stall legislative proceedings in order to represent and advocate for ones party and constituents.

Oregon’s long history of legislative walkouts by both parties did not become a legislative priority until after Marxists had hijacked 2020 to further cultivate Marxism nationwide into what it is today.

Importantly, the amendment is also in place for the 2024 election, but following historically unprecedented and arguably deliberate destruction [Cloward-Piven strategy] brought down on the American people by these same Marxists and their proxy and point man – Biden and Obama, respectively – with things like obscene levels of illegal immigration, historic inflation, epidemic levels of fentanyl addiction and death, the crumbling of our crown jewel cities by means of decades of Democratic Party mayoral control and a long list of other legitimate grievances.

What that amounts to today; however, is the exercise of Marxist tactics dressed-up as fighting for “transparency,” “democracy” and the “Constitution.”

Those are the words of fork-tongued Marxists who are actually inverting those very things as tactical weapons being used against us.

The same legislative, judicial and lawfare tactics of Marxism that are being used to preclude former President Donald J. Trump from the ballot in 2024 are now being applied to 10 conservative Oregon State Senators who embraced the historical application of walking-out as the only available remedy to exercise their legislative duties in a rigid, unilateral and unforgiving political landscape dominated by liberals for a very long time.

The inversion of ethos, pathos and democracy in Oregon has resulted in the normalization and codification of the ancient Marxist tactic of eliminating ones political opposition in order to avoid competing with the that person and his ideas and designs for the people.

Or ten of them.

It’s hard to lose a fight when you keep your opponent from stepping into the ring.

That’s how Marxists win and then they shout, “Hurray for democracy!”

Beware of false prophets.

The Senators being kept out of the ring also grew out of something.

That thing was Governor Brown’s illegal and unconstitutional COVID-19 mandates as an ultimate and most powerful application of Marxist tactics that overlaid decades of cultural Marxism mission-creep in the state.

Of course, cultural Marxism’s primary conduit for this is public education and that position is informed by decades working in the field in Oregon and other states.

Marxist Oregon eliminated me by bankrupting me and taking everything it took 50 years to assemble by means of mandates.

Now they’re eliminating Senators Thatcher and Linthicum and eight of their colleagues by simply eliminating them by means of a misplaced and nonsensical State constitutional amendment.

That’s what Marxists do and here’s the most important aspect of everything I’ve outlined and I’ll point-out the nuance of it by beginning there.

The architecture of federalism that has been hijacked and inverted in its application against us is Marxist communism’s targeting and enforcement mechanisms.

Those mechanisms afford an immense degree of control via the political machinery applied across the entire nation and where that control derives from a central point and orders are executed in absolute lockstep.

The outcomes of that architecture and those processes are what the Senators are actually experiencing.

The Senators’ elimination from the ballot is the result of that.

The mechanistic nature and behemoth size of the political, Marxist leviathan that the American people face is highly efficient and suspiciously looks like a Red Dragon.

Oregon now exists as the seed of full-blown Marxism where the potential for other states to follow its lead is a very realistic and plausible scenario.

This would permit Marxist communism to continue germinating, growing and spreading in a perfectly cultured environment sown with the seeds of cultural Marxism – victim status, entitlement mindset, “systemic racism,” division, etc. – watered by a collective dearth of independent and critical thinking, and fertilized with manure deposited by people too timid to assume any actual risk in order to effectively fight back.

Our team is fighting, though.

And so are the Senators.

And so are millions and millions of others but not enough of us to facilitate any real change and where now and change is still separated by a considerable gap.

And so we must continue to working to close that gap.

And if the people of Oregon were properly informed and intellectually capable of acting on that information with some semblance of rational objectivity and intestinal fortitude, they would all stand behind Oregon State Senators Kim Thatcher and Dennis Linthicum and their eight freedom-fighting colleagues.

If the people of Oregon stand-down to this abject tyranny and Marxism, these tyrants will tighten the noose around democracy’s neck like the demagogues they are; and where all 335 million of us should be rightfully concerned about how the plight of these ten Senators is a clear indicator for the fate of the nation as a whole; and where if The People continue to stand-down in acquiescence, it will result in the death of that nation and an entire way of life.


More on the topic from Zero Hedge: Oregon Supreme Court Blocks 10 Republicans From Running For Reelection

Collapsing The System From Within: Understanding the Cloward-Piven Strategy [VIDEOS]

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