With just a few days remaining and folks scurrying about to round-out shopping and holiday preparation for loved ones and family members, let’s pause to consider a Christmas wish list for everyone. As lists are checked and items crossed-off before those lists are checked again, we acknowledge a greater cause and individual purpose within the broader Christmas holiday. As a people and down to the level of the individual, we must do better for posterity’s sake; perhaps creating an opportunity for a collective New Year’s resolution. We acknowledge a deteriorating world where America once stood as its last remaining beacon of freedom, liberty, prosperity, hope and individual ruggedness, but where that America no longer exists having fallen to the stolen power of radical Leftists, Marxist communists and the enemies of American and Christianity. There is nothing those witting or unwitting “woke” communists would relish more than stomping-out the last remaining flames of Christianity and its most important day of remembrance, Christmas, which is why we remain steadfast and resilient in its celebration.

God intended Americans to live unencumbered, self-sufficiently and free from restraints imposed by other men, which is why these miscreants have waged a decades-long war against God, Christianity and all of these things.

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The enemies of America have turned these things onto their heads and bent them back against us in order to steal the country, preserve their power and enslave the people.

This has occurred as Americans continue drowning in a sea of misinformation, disinformation and malinformation; where the harder we swim towards the island of truth, the smaller it gets and the deeper it sinks into the horizon.

As these Marxists do this, they’ll try to convince you to flush your individual ruggedness and independent and critical thinking to be replaced by manufactured and propagandized guilt designed to convince you of being a systemically racist and horrible person because you are white, conservative, a Trump voter or Christian.

Marxists communists wielding cultural Marxism like a battle axe don’t accidentally pick the nation’s largest scab – slavery – with regularity.

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They don’t accidentally do that to routinely invoke a post-Civil Rights Movement false narrative of “systemic racism” that is fraudulently constructed and propagandized to target 251.6 million white people whose ancestors mostly founded and built this country.

That’s called factual history and it’s something public education knows very little about.

Those Marxist communists don’t just accidentally target those 251.6 million Americans to systematically and incrementally replace their history; replace them in movies, commercials, TV programming, etc. and then to accuse them of “cultural misappropriation” if they step but a foot outside of their assigned bubble of whiteness; replace them in all government interfaces bottom to top; publicly marginalize them with laws and policies that essentially re-institute Jim Crow laws in reverse fashion from those of the pre-Civil Rights era to park Whitey in the back of the bus; replace them in law enforcement to enforce an imposed upside-down societal structure; champion these causes publicly using the preferred and privileged class of witting and unwitting celebrities and athletes acting as Judas goats for the slaughter; hijack public education to indoctrinate a former free-thinking people into functional idiots who advocate for their own enslavement because they permit themselves to be guided by emotions and dopamine hits elicited by propaganda and social media instead of relying on rational thought and logical deduction; and a long list of other similar and familiar tragedies.

And these Marxists don’t just accidentally do all of that in strict accordance with perception management warfare tactics that were perfected by decades of war in the Middle East and which are being are used to incrementally position 80.4 million minorities as the “ruling minority” in a metastasizing banana republic.

Somewhere in the numbers are an additional 10 million troops who have joined the 80.4 million squad through Proxy Joe Biden’s open borders policies and in ways to further dilute Whitey’s history, culture and numbers.

Reaching the island to reconcile the truth causes us to regard this year’s Christmas as the most important ever.

Celebrate it accordingly.

Reconciling the truth reminds us that just like it is for every individual American, it is you and only you who determines whether these war criminal criminals are permitted to impact you and to what degree of success.

This makes our celebration of Christmas a weapon of war.

That’s right, Christmas is a weapon of war; a celebratory counterstrike to fight back in the war against Christianity.

The more intensely we celebrate Christmas, the more our collective light shines spiritually and tactically as light eventually defeats all evil.

So in all of our goodness, warmth and love this Christmas, give it all you have and wield it like your own battle axe of light.

Where the annual exercise in planning, hustle and bustle is calibrated to and intersects with the logistics of holiday preparation and gift buying, we must remember the more profound aspects of Christianity in our celebration of Christ’s birth; and we must remember them as Americans bearing the individual onus to live as God intended and to defend it as required; battle axe of light included.

In order for that to happen, we must accept, respect or dismiss our differences to unite as a single people in the spirit of what really matters most for all Americans.

What really matters most for Americans is universal in ways to recognize 332 million as one.

This Christmas, what really matters is found on a Christmas Wish List for Everyone.

A Christmas Wish List for Everyone

For Christmas this year, I wish for everyone that:

1-The light of truth beams down as a beacon showing the way for an American people to unite and unify to reclaim what rightfully belongs to us – a Constitutional Republic.

2-The light of truth delivers a factual dialogue to explain to Americans the truth about how foreign infiltration [China] and a long-compromised Intelligence Community have interfaced at every meaningful juncture in the U.S. governmental apparatus from all three branches – Executive, Legislative and Judicial – right on down to the local dog catcher; and in the corporate and private equity sectors.

3-The light of truth exposes how the Intelligence Community and a corrupt and criminal federal apparatus creates fraudulent “emergencies” that trigger and permit the IC to impose extra-constitutional power and authority in circumvention of the U.S. Constitution permitting it to rule tyrannically, indefinitely and with impunity.

4-The light of truth reveals the absolute fallacy of the two-party system where fake Democrats and fake Republicans exist in a real Uniparty to put-on a kabuki theater show written and produced by the Intelligence Community.

5-A unified American people exercise every sequential step in due process overlaid by the rule of law to remedy the status quo and reset our nation as a Constitutional Republic according to original intent and as rooted in actual democracy; not the race-baiting, two-tiered justice, woke, inclusive, derisive and divisive brand of “democracy” they’ve rammed down our throats since forever.

6-This unified American people embrace its civil duties as it stands in the light to celebrate our similarities and common bonds with other Americans who are different from ourselves and where a massive Orwellian U.S. propaganda machine has previously worked to keep the Left’s preferred groups pitted, divided and infighting at the same time it takes aim at “white America” as public enemy number one.

7-This unified American people leverage its collective civic duty to engage in a “mostly peaceful” revolution of exhaustive legislative and judicial due process framed by the rule of law.

8-This unified American people have the wisdom and the intestinal fortitude of the Founding Fathers to guide it in its revolution of light and more importantly, to enable it to take the next appropriate steps when due process has been exhausted and the enemy fails to acknowledge its defeat or relinquish all of its stolen power and authority in surrender; knowing it will be the enemy that determines to what degree things will be “mostly peaceful.”

9-Americans see the outright lies and criminality that are projected onto the purveyors of independence, freedom and liberty further identifying these attacks for what they are, which is the tactics of Marxist communists engaged in overthrow.

10-This unified American people realize that the only actual impediment standing between each individual and absolute independence, liberty and freedom is a psychological one where compromised institutions have engaged in military-level psychological operations technically called “perception management” to indoctrinate the American people with misinformation, disinformation and malinformation; where that occurs ubiquitously at every interface including education, mainstream media, social media, news, entertainment, television, movies, music, literature, advertising and more.

11-The American people unify within each state to reform election laws with common-sense components like voter I.D., paper ballots and one-day voting at the polls, which don’t feature any electronic voting equipment of any kind, and where the only thing that matters is an accurate and truthful electoral outcome.

12-The American people remember the power of the purse to move away from all corporations and media platforms that are functionaries of the IC propaganda machine; instead moving to other sources of commerce and media, such as local storefronts and independent analysis and journalism like this.

13-Americans overcome the Orwellian flow of propaganda by demanding, enacting and guaranteeing absolute free speech in all settings, formats and platforms while it ends of all forms of censorship; understanding that killing public discourse and dialogue on competing ideas in an open society is the first step to living in a closed society under tyrannical rule.

14-Americans grow and mature to handle unmitigated free speech responsibly while using it to make reforms in critical areas as well as to bond with their fellow Americans in productive ways that unite and serve us all.

15-A unified America begin its reforms by overhauling public education and refining the system to one of actual instruction, learning and performance that acknowledges parental and individual student rights; not just those of preferred and protected classes; and to include a full gutting of agendas that qualify as cultural Marxism like pornography in schools, revisionist history, anti-American rhetoric, antisemitism, pro-terrorism/terrorist, the BLM movement, the LGBQT agenda, Critical Race Theory, the woke agenda, etc.

16-A unified America demand reforms in foreign policy and U.S. military deployment to eliminte destructive manufactured wars and operations designed to serve the ulterior purposes of the IC, et al.

17-From the federal level to local levels, the people calibrate the broader system of governance to the U.S. Constitution leaving to the States all powers not reserved within it; knowing this entails gutting legislation, policy, regulation, personnel, office, departments, agencies, etc. to overhaul the required components and entirely eliminate the rest.

18-The U.S. immigration policy be reformed simply by returning to the enforcement of the rule of law so as to secure all borders and give due respect to U.S. citizens who immigrated to this nation in accordance with the law and those who desire to.

19-Destructive and punitive monetary policy be reformed and eliminated beginning with the elimination of the Federal Reserve, a return to gold-back currency and the end of all Cloward-Piven components.

20-The entire healthcare system be gutted and reconstructed to focus on individual patients’ rights and patient-based care aligned with the Hippocratic oath and informed consent; making access to healthcare reasonable for everyone and thus eliminating the mistrust in healthcare professionals caused by a fraudulent “pandemic” in which they wittingly or unwittingly participated.

21-Military, defense and Pentagon spending be audited and fully accounted for; making the actual and above top secret black budget fully public, disclosing those programs and thus accounting for every penny of the “lost” money [they know where every penny went] from each of the last 6 failed annual audits where trillions upon trillions have gone missing and unaccounted for.

22-A unified America galvanized behind true American leadership effectively recapture the multiple trillions of dollars misappropriated and defrauded; and transparently return that money to the American government for 100% equal distribution to each individual American citizen in a one-time payment, thus immediately ending poverty and homelessness while safeguarding against cost of living and inflation concerns.

23-The effort to end homelessness and poverty first focus on U.S. American veterans before broadening and coming to envelop everyone including in other capacities like mental health, dependency and addiction care.

24-Citizens United v. FEC be overturned as a measure to eliminate corporate domination in politics; and where bad actors in the government exploit the public-private interface to do its extra-constitutional bidding as overlaid by political donations and campaign contributions; and in the broader war against lobbying to remove money from politics.

25-Further economic streamlining and cost-saving measures be enacted to eliminate all wasteful spending to arrive at a balanced budget.

26-All special interest causes like abortion adhere to Republicanism and Federalism to remain State matters where all federal spending and funding for those causes are eliminated.

27-Manufacturing jobs be returned from China and elsewhere to begin rebuilding an almost dead and non-existent middle class population that has forever been the lifeblood of America.

28-The entire country backs-off kids altogether rather letting kids be kids; and permitting them to sort themselves out including failing and making mistakes to guarantee that learning occurs; and this includes letting them fight their own fights and supporting them where you can.

29-The citizens of our former Crown Jewel cities and other urban areas take it upon themselves to begin and carry-on the fight to clean-up our cities by holding the current leaders to the fire of reform until real American leaders can be elected in their place.

30-The pharmaceutical industry be gutted and reformed to include advertising restrictions; and with Americans considering alternatives like natural immunity and holistic approaches when they are proven effective at similar or better levels.

31-The CDC/HHS vaccine advisory be reformed and gutted to include full a spectrum examination on the evidenced dangers of vaccination; especially mRNA/lipid nanoparticle platforms; and the appropriate subsequent revision, reduction or elimination of the recommended vaccine schedule; and generally move away from the profiteering in the current “vaccinate everyone for everything” approach.

32-All purveyors of harm like bad actors in government, the pharmaceutical and vaccine industries, hospital administrators, state and federal officials, etc. be stripped of all immunity and full exposed to liability, liability litigation and criminal prosecution.

33-All Americans standing up against all mandates that impact informed consent and personal healthcare choices like those for masking and vaccination or generally intercede on protected Constitutional rights.

34-A concerted effort by a unified America to refocus on the nuclear family and the value of having both a mom and a dad at home; while traditionally and culturally American lifestyles and means to success again become the norm.

35-All damaging and secretive governmental programs be exposed and ended as necessary, such as the deliberate polluting of our skies with atmospheric aerosol spraying programs under the guise of “weather modification” as predicated by the world’s single greatest construct of enterprise fraud and Ponzi scheme – “climate change.”

36-Humanity realizes the light and begins the process of cleansing a collectively poisoned mind.

37-Actual “science” and “medicine” are recaptured to replace the narrative-based propaganda posing as “science” and “medicine” today.

38-Hidden technologies; especially those pertaining to free and clean energy and novel medical treatment, be made public and then publicly available.

39-All matters surrounding the truth about UFOs and extraterrestrials be fully and publicly revealed noting that my personal wish list includes my instant departure with these benevolent souls to forever explore the mysteries of the universe and its abundant and ubiquitous life [the dog goes, too.]

40-Americans reconcile the truth about a fake “pandemic” used to steal the 2020 election.

41-Americans reconcile the truth about COVID-19 crimes against humanity and unite to take swift, decisive and appropriate action immediately and no matter how difficult or expansive that may be.

42-All of America reconcile the truth about President Donald J. Trump in coming to understand that he has been marginalized and attacked in unprecedented ways to rival JFK and that could result in the outcome; and that Americans do this to comprehend how a Trump presidency in 2024 is in all actuality, America’s last realistic chance before it fully goes around the corner of Marxist communism from whence there is no return.

43-Mr. Trump prevail in 2024 in historic fashion and with never-before-seen public support and an overwhelming consensus demanding that America be made great again and that a long list of wrongdoers be held full accountable to the rule of law.

44-Beginning in January 2025, all Americans celebrate a proper rebirth of the nation.

45-You and yours have the best Christmas ever on the most important Christmas ever.

Merry Christmas, everyone.


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