In a landmark decision, U.S. District Court Judge Matthew Kacsmaryk in Northern Texas has halted the Biden regime’s enforcement of a ban on pistol braces, delivering a significant triumph for Second Amendment rights. This ruling, expanding on a previous decision by the Fifth Circuit Court, applies nationwide and not just to the plaintiffs in the immediate case, safeguarding the rights of all owners of these braces.

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The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF), under Biden’s directive, had enacted a rule earlier this year targeting the estimated 40 million U.S. pistol brace owners. This controversial rule would criminalize those who did not reclassify their weapons as short barrel rifles, requiring registration with the government and a $200 tax stamp, or face the alternative of destroying their pistol brace-equipped firearms. This action forced gun owners, especially in the 21 states with short-barrel rifle bans, into a precarious legal situation.

Older individuals or those with injuries often utilize Pistol braces, offering stability in handling pistols. The ATF’s classification of a firearm with a brace as a short-barreled rifle was seen as an overreach, with Judge Kacsmaryk ruling that such attempts to legislate by regulation, bypassing Congressional input, were unlawful. He emphasized that public safety concerns must be addressed in lawful and constitutional ways.

The decision has been hailed as a win for the Second Amendment and a check on federal overreach. Critics of the ban argue that it was more of an emotional response to a mass shooting involving a pistol-braced gun rather than an effective measure to curb ‘gun violence.’ They assert that such a ban would not deter determined criminals and fails to address the core issue of mental health, which remains a significant factor in gun-related incidents.

This judgment reaffirms the principle that any government, including the federal one, lacks the constitutional and moral authority to impose such bans. It also underscores the longstanding debate over the ATF’s role and authority, tracing back to the contentious 1934 National Firearms Act and the agency’s history in firearm regulation.

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In summary, Judge Kacsmaryk’s ruling is not just a legal victory for gun owners but also a strong statement on the constitutional limits of executive authority and the protection of individual rights under the Second Amendment.​

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