In a recently released video obtained from body-worn cameras, the Lenawee County sheriff’s deputies can be seen engaged in a confrontation with a suspect involved in an Ohio shooting incident. The footage, edited by the sheriff’s office for privacy concerns, unveils the events that led to the deputies firing shots at the 53-year-old suspect.

The incident took place on Neuroth Highway in Ogden Township during the early hours of March 9. The sheriff’s deputies were responding to reports of an intoxicated individual suspected of shooting at a residence in Fulton County, Ohio, earlier that night. Upon encountering the suspect at his home, the deputies were threatened by the suspect who indicated his intention to harm them. Subsequently, the suspect exited the back door of his house, pointing a handgun at the gathered deputies. As the deputies retreated and verbally commanded the suspect to stop, they were left with no choice but to open fire in order to neutralize the threat. Quick life-saving measures were then administered, and the suspect was transported to a local hospital, where he is expected to recover.

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The footage, released by the sheriff’s office on Thursday, supports their initial report of the incident. The video captures the entire encounter, spanning approximately a minute and a half, from the first interaction between one of the deputies and the suspect at around 1:25 a.m., to the subsequent medical assistance provided.

One segment of the video shows a deputy approaching a window of the suspect’s residence, audibly identifying themselves as being from the sheriff’s office and requesting the suspect to come to the front door for a conversation. After a brief interchange, the suspect can be heard making a threatening remark about putting a bullet in the deputy’s head. Sensing danger, the deputy cautiously arms himself while the suspect is instructed to stay in place.

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The deputy radios for assistance, notifying his colleagues that the suspect is “coming out to the front.” As the deputy proceeds towards the patio and driveway area, he informs a nearby partner about the threat made by the suspect. Moments later, a screen door is heard opening, followed by one of the deputies ordering the suspect to raise his hands. The situation quickly escalates, leading one deputy to retreat while pointing his pistol at the suspect. The threatened deputy positions himself near the passenger side of an SUV, seeking cover while maintaining visual contact with the suspect. The tense encounter culminates in seven or eight gunshots being fired.

Footage from another deputy’s body-worn camera commences with him stationed between the suspect’s house and the driver’s side of the SUV. The deputy shares details of the threat made by the suspect before cautiously circling the front of the vehicle. As the door squeaks open, the deputy immediately commands the suspect to raise his hands, retreating and urging compliance. Ultimately, he takes cover with his partner behind the SUV as the shots are discharged.

Following the gunfire, the deputies swiftly approach the subdued suspect, reaffirming his position on the ground and securing him in handcuffs. None of the three deputies involved in the incident sustained injuries, and they have been placed on administrative leave as per standard protocol. In light of the circumstances, the sheriff’s office has requested an investigation into the shooting by the Michigan State Police.

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