Mike Benz is the founder and CEO of the Foundation For Freedom Online, which “Through educational reports, legal assistance, and public policy analysis concerning developing threats to digital liberties” seeks to “provide nonpartisan insights and assistance to all peoples taking a stand for freedom of speech, freedom of expression, and the free exchange of ideas online.”

Prior to FFO, Benz was “a former State Department official with responsibilities in formulating and negotiating US foreign policy on international communications and information technology matters.”

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Benz’s voice is an important one that communicates clearly about a vast amount of analysis and findings that he confirms with a deep and thorough inside perspective overlaid by technical expertise and diplomatic acumen.

Specifically, Benz has made several recent videos in addition to appearances made with Tucker Carlson, Steve Bannon and other conservative media figures.

Here is a previous Moonshine post featuring Benz relative to the same subject matter:

Stop Risking Your Safety: Uncover the Truth Behind the Best Survival Caliber!

Benz’s most recent video segment is featured at the bottom and from it, we begin with the generalized end before going on to lay-out the granular details where Benz unequivocally confirms the analysis and findings:

“Hunter Biden was part of a plausibly deniable CIA operation to swing the gas market towards NATO…that’s why he’s untouchable.”

Mike Benz, Trump Administration State Department, FFO founder & CEO

Will The Biden Family Ever Be Held Accountable For Their Crimes?

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The UNTOUCHABLES are Joe Biden, Hunter Biden, The Biden Crime Family, Burisma, Ukraine, CEFC China Energy Co., China and of course, the architect and steward of it all, the Intelligence Community.

Like a scene out of Yellowstone, those working on the Biden ranch and for the Intelligence Community wear the brand and are UNTOUCHABLE.

Primary tenets of the analysis and findings are important to review for what Benz thoroughly outlines [some of these items appear as “Essentials” on the Moonshine website and this is an incomplete list to save time]:

  1. The Intelligence Community is atop the hierarchy and the primary architect
  2. The IC controls the architecture below it [Executive, Legislative, Judiciary and so on]
  3. Subsidiaries within the architecture do the IC’s bidding like DOJ and its massive operational cover-ups [Special Counsels Mueller, Durham, Smith and Hur, FTX/SBF, DOJ operations in Ukraine and many more]
  4. Energy is the currency of international corruption: FOLLOW THE MONEY [01 Jun 21]
  5. China [CEFC] and Ukraine [Burisma] are the two epicenters of The Biden Crime Family’s criminality and treason
  6. Ukrainian oligarch Ihor Kolomoyskyi is key to understanding Ukraine [Zelensky’s installation, US aid for UKR and the nationalization of PrivatBank relative to crypto money laundering and political kickbacks (FTX/SBF)]: The Keystone of Corruption: Ukraine, the FTX Scandal, PrivatBank, the National Bank of Ukraine and Ihor Kolomoyskyi
  7. The public:private interface and especially NGOs permit the IC to operate in violation of its charter and the law
  8. Investigations are opened either to expose and prosecute -OR- conceal and obfuscate
  9. The overarching spine is the Intelligence Community’s wielding of NATO to further encroach on Russia’s national sovereignty
  10. The stolen 2020 election was an exercise in institutional preservation secured with a fraudulent “pandemic”
  11. George H.W. Bush is the head of the snake and the primary architect of the IC’s architecture bridging the IC and Executive via the Presidential Daily Brief and its protocols
  12. GHWB’s unofficial attachment to CIA in 1963, subsequent official attachment to CIA, ascendance to the CIA directorship, ascendance to VPOTUS and then to POTUS is the underpinning political continuum on which the Intelligence Community operates [‘Dynastic Bush’]
  13. Unavoidable circumstances often require undesirable solutions where the objective is steering the circumstance to the best possible landing even if it’s a poor one [which is why “investigations” are opened – they are the steering wheel]

Dynastic Bush stomped on the accelerator for enhanced tyrannical rule through the continued use of Hegelian Dialectic constructs and in particular, 9/11 in 2001.


On Hegelian Dialectics with a guest submission by Shanghai Moon: Guest Submission: The Hegelian Dialectics of our Crime Wave.


On Ukraine in the series THE KEYSTONE OF CORRUPTION.

In the following video segment, Benz confirms the data points laid-out, which are contained in the existing aggregate analysis.

Unlike the reporting found virtually everywhere else, Moonshine analysis examines geopolitics through the lens of ENTERPRISE FRAUD, which is prosecutable under RICO statute, and therefore it provides key and unique perspectives that others miss but which give clear inroads to a fuller understanding of the truth.

Discerning that truth entails understanding why it is that the IC must operationally conceal it while holding the UNTOUCHABLES as harmless as unavoidable circumstances permit.

In the video below, Benz lays-out the truth:

  1. Hunter Biden [HB] is a member of multiple CIA outfits
  2. CIA cutouts use the public:private interface especially the NGO model
  3. HB sat on the Chairman’s Advisory board of the National Democratic Institute
  4. NDI is the Democratic National Committee wing of the National Endowment for Democracy
  5. The International Republican Institute is the RNC wing of NED
  6. DNI/IRI “split spoils” in doing the IC’s bidding
  7. NED is the primary cutout for the IC to interface with NGOs
  8. NGOs permit the IC to function where it’s constitutionally prohibited and especially within CONUS
  9. The IC architecture was created under Reagan in 1983 [George H.W. Bush was VPOTUS (formerly head of CIA) – he’s the head of the snake]
  10. HB sat on the Burisma board with Cofer Black [Mitt Romney’s IC handler]
  11. Romney is on the IRI
  12. Burisma [natural gas] was an IC/CIA operation
  13. CIA was swinging the gas market [Gazprom] from Russia to NATO and it’s a 16-year project
  14. The IC is trying to shift the board to US control by capturing Burisma and its feeder, state owned Ukrainian company Naptha Gas
  15. Privatizing UKR energy assets was a priority objective of 2014 UKR coup [that eventually led to Zelensky’s installation via Kolomoyskyi]
  16. The design is to cleave Russia from the European energy market to profit the West
  17. Eliminating Russia’s energy exports severely erodes at its national defense and military capabilities
  18. The compounding effects ripple to Russian operations in Syria, Africa, etc.
  19. This opens those regions for Western hegemonic expansion and permits the West to capture energy, rare earth and other natural resources
  20. HB was asked to run point on Burisma operations by the IC
  21. Then VPOTUS Joe Biden’s diplomatic experience as VPOTUS/Senator overlay the regions targeted
  22. A highly controlled and intricate DOJ/CIA/IC relationship has DOJ doing CIA’s bidding in concealment operations
  23. Specifically DOJ kills investigations into criminal activity for CIA to run cover [obfuscate and conceal]
  24. The criminal actors working for the IC are labeled a “criminal enterprise” [in direct reference to the black letter law found in RICO statutes]


For the UNTOUCHABLES to be UNTOUCHABLE, the IC and its DOJ functionaries must engage in their concealment operations and there must be evidence of that, which there is according to the analysis [oldest to newest]:

  1. INTERNATIONAL COVER-UP: DOJ’s ‘War Crimes Accountability Team’ and ICPA to Veil Biden’s Biowarfare, Money Laundering, Fraud and Worse
  2. INTERNATIONAL COVER-UP: AG Garland Visits The Hague for Opening of ‘International Centre for the Prosecution of the Crime of Aggression against Ukraine,’ Signals Cover-up of Global Ukrainian Money Laundering Operation
  3. Unvarnished Political Projection Makes Remarkable Merrick Garland Speech A Massive Biden Administration Confession
  4. FOCUS NARROWS ON BIGGER PICTURE: Trump’s Targeting and Kolomoyskyi’s Arrest
  5. Hunter Biden Indictment Omissions Evidence Further IC/DOJ Cover-up Operations
  6. THEN and NOW: Joe and Hunter on Defying Congressional Subpoenas
  7. BIDEN CRIME FAMILY: Hunter’s Congressional Subpoena and Joe’s Impeachment Vote
  8. UKRAINE: AG Merrick Garland and DOJ Stay Problematic Course of International Cover-up Operations Meeting with UKR Prosecutor General Andriy Kostin

Like Vladimir Putin, Bret Weinstein and others have done, Mike Benz expertly confirmed the accuracy and contents of the aggregate analysis at Moonshine relative to The Biden Crime Family as functionaries of the Intelligence Community.

John F. Kennedy warned of and threatened to eviscerate this Intelligence Community after it metastasized in the post World War II era following our government’s importation of the Nazi’s finest war criminals in Operation Paperclip.

On 22 Nov 63, the Intelligence Community assassinated JFK.

In 2023, the Intelligence Community attributed JFK’s assassination to itself.

That’s not a miscalculation but rather designed admission to further imprison Americans inside their own minds as if to say, “Yeah, we did it, so what are you going to do about that?”

Other IC operations the IC has yet to claim include 9/11, endless war in the Middle East, stolen elections, COVID-19, the Mar-a-Lago raid, the Capitol “insurrection” entrapment operation, the ongoing operational lawfare targeting Trump, DOJ lawfare permitting Biden to hunt is political opposition as Marxist communists do and others.

To that incomplete list, we add Burisma and where in the end as projected long ago, the Bidens will walk away from all of this relatively unscathed because those are the Intelligence Community’s designs.

Finally, let’s thank Mike Benz for his service and for giving us the substance for the best descriptor of The Biden Crime Family to-date: THE UNTOUCHABLES.


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