America’s equity hire of a Vice President, Kamala Harris, is a word salad machine, but she just upped her game on that front and dropped three of them in one interview.

First up, Kamala tells Israel what to do as the White House pushes for increased aid to Gaza. Watch:

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“But we do also need to focus on what is happening now toward what is possible and should be possible the day after, as we call it, Lawrence. As you know, I was in Dubai recently, meeting with a number of leaders, including many Arab leaders, to talk about our commitment as the United States to two-state solution and commitment to doing the hard work that that will require to get to a place where we for the principles that we have stated, will insist there’ll be no reoccupation of Gaza by the Israelis, there’ll be no forced displacement of Palestinians. But we work toward equal measures of security, prosperity and freedom for Israelis and for Palestinians. And so that is a big part of our goal at this point as well, which is to do what is possible to lay the pathway for that possibility and that goal.” – Kamala Harris

Next up, Kamala attempts to put words together into sentences about her ‘blessed situations’ It doesn’t go well. Watch:

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“I have been fortunate and blessed during the course of being Vice President have many situations where it becomes clear to me that there are, you know, people of every age and gender, by the way, who see something about being the first that lets them know they don’t need to be limited by other people’s limited understanding of who can do what.” – Kamala Harris

And now for the third word salad installment: The most election of our lifetime. Watch:

“You know, every election cycle we talk about this is the most election of our lifetime. Lawrence this one is, this one is we are literally talking about people who are attempting to divide our country in the most crude, frankly, and profound way. We are talking about those who are intent and purposeful, to to attack fundamental freedoms, be it the freedom to make a decision about your own body, the freedom to love who you love, openly and with pride, the freedom to be free from fear of violence and hate.” – Kamala Harris


Image Credit: Breitbart Screenshot

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