Two weeks after two Senate staffers filmed themselves having gay butt sex on the Senate hearing room, nobody has been arrested and the American people are just supposed to act like things are normal in Washington D.C. This is a story where you have to question your own sanity and hope you just imagined it, but every time you look on the internet—nope, it’s real. If this story sounds completely insane, it is because it is completely insane and shows the mentality of politicians. We are all living under the jurisdiction of maniacs and animals that ignore gay butt sex on Capitol Hill.

What seems like the ultimate epitome of degeneracy has set unthinkable precedents in American Government. If you thought squabbling over tax dollars that are just going to be used to blow up children was bad enough you were despicably mistaken. America has reached another new low during the Democrat reign that has descended upon American society.

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What the Guardian is calling “alleged sex” was first reported by Politico and the Daily Caller, where it was revealed that sexual misdeeds were done in the same room that held the 9/11 Commission hearings. According to the Guardian, Senate staffer Aidan Maese-Czeropski was “allegedly having sex” in the judiciary hearing room.

Politico reported that an internet chat video was shared online where the two staffers were having gay butt sex. So far neither of the men have been arrested while only one has lost his job. Meanwhile, Democrat Ben Cardin of Maryland said he was “disappointed” that two men recorded themselves having sexual relations in America’s most sacred building.

The question of whether America is over should be on everyone’s mind as the butthole wrenching fury of depravity cannot be over overstated. How could this happen? How could this be allowed without at the very least the D.C. police being involved? The United State’s most important institutions are literally being defiled with homo-erotic acts right in front of our horrified faces.

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Thomas Jefferson is doing somersaults in his grave while Hunter S. Thompson is laughing in his. In what is hopefully a litmus test, the American public can’t even look at what is going on in Washington without puking on their living room floors. Astonishingly, the evidence is all right there because it was filmed by the butt sex perpetrators. I almost felt the urge to ignore the story in good taste, but I thought to myself: what would Hunter S. Thompson do? Which is a question nobody should ask themselves unless they are a witness to gay butt sex on the Senate floor, unfortunately, I just couldn’t ignore the story.

What the hell has become of a once great nation? Are we living in a surreal gay fantasy land? Or are the tyrants in power just laughing at us? I often wonder what the media’s motivation is to hide stories like this with the word “allegedly” after it was filmed and shared all over the internet while someone was allegedly fired for an alleged act. Obviously, it has to be a true story because someone was canned for the homo-erotic display.

The corporate media hides stories like this with clever word placement, yet they never demand accountability, or at least advocate for some semblance of lawful punishment. YOU try having sex on the Senate floor and see what happens to YOU. Do you know what would happen if you had just normal heterosexual sex on the Senate Floor? Nikki Haley and Lindsey Graham would dress in dominatrix outfits while they tied you up and beat you with a leather strap.

The LGBT agenda has become unhinged as society is so brainwashed into accepting gay butt sex that now it is allowed in the hearing rooms on Capitol Hill. Radical leftists are now able to wreak havoc without any accountability whatsoever; while just two years ago they would shame you for not wearing a mask.

The liberal screams were heard all over the place during the mask hysteria, yet conservatives never raise hell for degenerate acts being perpetrated in Washington. Even Anthony Fauci would condemn these acts as at least unsanitary. If Anthony Fauci has taught us anything it’s that gay butt sex spreads diseases that people shouldn’t be spreading. In the 1980’s he was the one who spread the alleged disinformation that gay butt sex causes AIDS. Well, does it still do that?

In summation, shut up and get your next booster and have a Happy New Year. But always remember next time you’re in the Senate building wash your hands, you could get the next variant of the Rona. And also, just in case, wash the seat you’re sitting in during your visit, you never know who was doing things in it. Until then, God Bless America, and pray for sanity in the depraved cesspool known as Washington.

This article is a writer submission from Nick Anonymous.

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