Palm Sunday is a feast celebrated by Catholics and other Christian denominations, which falls on the Sunday before Easter and marks the beginning of Holy Week. In the Catholic tradition, Palm Sunday commemorates Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem, where crowds gathered to greet him with palm branches, symbolizing his role as the Messiah and King.

It is also a time for Catholics to reflect on Jesus’ suffering and death as they begin preparing to celebrate his resurrection on Easter Sunday. During Palm Sunday Mass, Catholics typically receive palm branches blessed by the priest as a reminder of Jesus’ victory over sin and death.

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How does this apply to the “liberal” members of the Catholic faith? Again, Jesus was celebrated for his “victory over sin and death.” Where is the correlation to the modern-day church? The answer lies in Catholics who support the current Democratic party and why they should be mindful of their actions. They are inadvertently (or not) supporting sin, murder, and the destruction of their own souls.

Biden and Pelosi serve as surface-level examples: both advocate for policies that contradict Catholic teachings, such as abortion and the LGBTQ+ agenda. Yet, time and again, we have seen them receiving communion on television, and they brag about their adherence to their faith as though they are oppressed by others for it. If we delve deeper, many aspects of the Democratic party’s platform go against the Gospel. For instance, the idea of providing Universal Basic Income (UBI) for those who choose not to work goes against the biblical principle of earning one’s living through honest work.

2 Thessalonians 3:10-12 states, “For even when we were with you, we would give you this command: If anyone is not willing to work, let him not eat. For we hear that some among you walk in idleness, not busy at work, but busybodies. Now such persons we command and encourage in the Lord Jesus Christ to do their work quietly and to earn their own living.”

In the modern mass, individuals line up for communion and at other times brag about living a life antithetical to receiving. On First Fridays, large crowds line up for the Anointing of the Sick, yet most are healthy. Women dress inappropriately and engage in loud conversations during solemn moments. The worst may be the clapping after mass, at a time when many of us are looking to silently finish our prayers and respectfully leave the church. Are these the liberals who disregard tradition, respect, and heritage? Are they the offspring of the Vatican II pushers, where Catholics allowed their entire religion to be watered down between 1962-1965 by liberal social activists?

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The modern church’s attempt to play the non-partisan role has failed. The world is increasingly politicized, and constant attacks on our faith overwhelm the faithful. These attacks often come from both the liberal spectrum and the leadership within the Church. It is now time for Catholics to unite, resist the allure of social acceptance, and support their bishops as they stand against the world’s sinful standards concerning abortion, the LGBTQ+ community, and other issues.

When we celebrate Jesus on Palm Sunday, what do the Democrat parishioners celebrate? They must believe that God beams down on them as they vote for policies that dismember, mutilate, drug, traffic, and kill His children. For the Godless Left, this surprises me not. To approach the priest, receive the Host, and feel that you are venerating Christian values is exactly why the Church has fallen. Priests who would deny the Holy Eucharist to those who support such sin would be defrocked and shamed by almost any Diocese. The Vatican holds conferences with W.E.F. and Clinton Foundation members. The Pope meets with and recognizes the trans community.

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I am not in a state of receiving: I have been through RCIA once and will again. I began to convert from an empty life of Atheism only a few years ago, under the guidance of a sponsor who taught me the values of the Latin rite, among other traditions. In this process, I read the catechism and watch something else play out frequently at different churches in my travels. In other parts of the state, I have heard homilies that damage the core values of our beliefs.

What exactly are we celebrating today, then? Only the faithful few who kneel their bodies, raise their eyes to God, and pray for the veil of this world to be lifted truly understand the meaning behind this day. This is exactly the reason why parishes across the nation should deny Democrats the Holy Eucharist on Palm Sunday.

Hail Mary, full of Grace, the Lord is with Thee.

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