The impetus, rationale, motivation and context for that article does not stand alone:

*Read the PJ Media/Downey piece here.

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There is necessary contextual backdrop for this and we’ll make short work of it.

The aggregate analysis at Moonshine established in early January 2020 that the COVID-19 “pandemic” was a construct of enterprise fraud and when the first data sets arrived around mid-February and into March, the data fraud mechanisms were identified and dilettanted.

By March 2020, I was writing intensive analysis evidencing the “pandemic” as what I had begun to call a ‘false flag political construct’ along the lines of Gulf of Tonkin, Pearl Harbor, 9/11 and dozens of others.

The analysis included how the first impeachment of President Donald J. Trump was the deflection point construct away from the unpacking of COVID-19 on the American people; those timelines braiding together like a rope.

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Virtually no one else told you the “pandemic” was fraud when I said it was fraud because I vetted my own work for over a year and it was unrivaled.

It’s guaranteed no one else identified impeachment 1.0 as a deflection point cover construct for COVID-19.

That arduous analysis also chased Joe Biden all over the globe to deliver another exclusive angle: energy and private equity are the tools and conduits to facilitate egregious levels global corruption and where Joe Biden is squarely in the middle of it with two epicenters of corruption, criminality and treason that overlay the two fronts of the third world war that is currently being constructed to come to fruition as calibrated to the 2024 election timeline: Ukraine/Russia and China/Taiwan/South China Sea.

By 06 May 20, the analysis established the position that the U.S. is in the midst of an asymmetrical, irregular and undeclared war against China and in alignment with China’s preferred and doctrinal warfare vector: biowarfare.

The analysis extended to how the COVID-19 construct would be leveraged as an interface to steal the 2020 election and establish a Chinese proxy in the White House: Joe Biden.

The analysis further enveloped the Capitol “insurrection” as an entrapment operation in a broader effort for a Marxist Biden Administration to hunt its political opposition and enemies using the federal apparatus [IC/CIA/DOJ/FBI/others] just like Marxists do.

The most alarming aspect found in the hundreds of articles of war analysis is something that no one is really telling you: Joe Biden is going to take a dive in WWIII; he’s going to hit the canvas by design and hand us over to China, Marxists, Nazis and Globalists.

The analysis also includes the components of a “pandemic” rehash operation for 2024 with clear designs to parallel and serve a broader operation to steal 2024 and install into the Executive another IC proxy in service to or influenced by foreign hostile nations like Biden is to China.

That’s our basic framework and into it, we plug recent remarks from Trump Administration DNI John Ratcliffe.

Let’s introduce it with this because with each passing day, more and more folks are sounding drunk as hell on Moonshine:

Their “news” is found in our archives.

Our Christmas gift of truth arrives via Maria Bartiromo’s interview of former DNI John Ratcliffe and we begin with the set-up: Maria Bartiromo: Former Director of National Intelligence, John Ratcliffe was breaking news with me last month on FOX Business’s Mornings with Maria on China interfering in US elections. Now a new declassified report is out from the National Intelligence Council which confirms exactly what John Radcliffe told me there, revealing the extent of the CCP’s operation happening under President Biden’s watch.

Bartiromo goes on to indicate that the report is a product of the Intelligence Community and therefore, our first lens becomes the utilitarian value found in the IC making this report public at this time.

The most obvious utilitarian value is the fraudulently constructed and false premise for a legal predicate for the IC and other compromised federal agencies to interface with the 2024 election in the capacity of deterrence and prevention to keep a known hostile, China, front interceding on that election.

The timeline considerations that overlay this are contained in existing analysis:

Compare the 2019 and 2023 timelines as they are stacking-up:

2019: August/introduce contagion, December/announce outbreak, March 2020/declare pandemic and implement mitigations, November 2020/steal election.

2023: August/introduce contagion, December/announce outbreak [JN.1 split], March 2024/declare pandemic and implement mitigations [could be earlier or later]?, November 2024/steal election?

It’s plain as day to see, is it not?

Political Moonshine

It’s the same shit pizza with some different toppings.

In 2020, the interface was the “pandemic.”

In 2024, the interface with be the country that caused the “pandemic” and owns Joe Biden.

Our second lens is the timeline, which draws back on the year-long reporting covering the IC’s constructed removal of Joe Biden and Donald J. Trump from the ballot.

This is occurring in a reset of 2024 where The Penn Biden Center/classified documents/China matter intensified things for the former and the latter is being targeted by historically unprecedented IC lawfare operations.

Bartiromo asks, “Is China getting ready to interfere in our elections in 2024?” to which Ratcliffe replies, “Very clearly they are, Maria. But what the report also tells you is what you outlined there, which is that the intelligence community has to grudgingly walk back the erroneous assessment that in 2020, China was sitting on the sidelines.”

Do you know who wasn’t sitting on the sidelines in 2020?

Who has had it right from the beginning; not just recently like Carlson, Herridge and others?

Political Moonshine, that’s who.

And yes, I’m writing with a chip on my shoulder because I sent all of this analysis to Carlson [and everyone else] mid-May 2020 where the show got back to me, the matter was moved to Carlson’s personal staff and then…..crickets…..until Carlson ran a Glenn Beck segment about a year later where it sounded like Beck was reading what I had sent Carlson.

It even remained crickets when I reached out to Carlson’s personal cell.

Ratcliffe continued, “I was very vocal that we had collected specific intelligence of a specific plan or campaign by China to interfere in 2020 for the specific purpose of helping Joe Biden become president and – to harm President Trump in his reelection efforts.”

“And what this report acknowledges is that that’s exactly what happened. And they had to walk it back because the independent ombudsman came forward and said, look, there were analysts for China that were suppressing intelligence deliberately because they feared it would help President Trump,” Ratcliffe went on to say.

The Moonshine analysis branding Biden as Beijing’s proxy has routinely said that if you care to know Joe Biden’s policy on anything, just examine China’s policy on that thing because Biden’s policy is Beijing’s policy.

Consider what a forward-looking Ratcliffe says here, “And so now you have Joe Biden’s own Director of the NSA and head of cyber command, acknowledging that China is going to intensify those efforts in 2024, that our greatest geopolitical foe has and will continue to want Joe Biden to be the president for the next four years because, stating the obvious, he’s been very good to China.”

The critical Taiwan analysis, which plugs into the multiple-front war analysis, goes back by years and is included in several hundred articles making this statement an ominous one from Bartiromo, “We know that during their cakewalk in the park, when Joe Biden met with Xi Jinping in San Francisco, Xi Jinping was very clear to Joe Biden, telling him, yes, we are taking Taiwan, and we are expecting you’re not going to do anything about it.”

The analysis into Biden’s previous commitments to defend Taiwan in any such invasion entangles all of this in the worst and messiest ways because it is the interface for Biden to take his predetermined dive on China’s orders.

We see China establishing pretext with its extreme hegemonic assertion found in a Thucydides trap scenario.

We also see China positioning Biden in deference to Beijing as a future conciliatory and acquiescent geopolitical and military opponent who by all indications, is going to take that dive.

In boxer’s terms, it’s the equivalent of Biden’s corner giving him pre-fight instructions to take a dive late in the first round after enough of a predetermined beating has occurred to justify doing so.

Ratcliffe says, “China correctly believed that Joe Biden would be more pro-China and frankly thought that he would be weaker as a Commander in Chief. And clearly, those things have played out.”

A weaker Commander in Chief?

As in weak enough to take a dive by design after a huge private equity pay-off with CEFC China Energy Co., or in other words, the CCP, just like the old analysis holds?

Joe Biden is, in many ways, the dream candidate for China to continue for the next four years.

Former DNI John Ratcliffe

The Ratcliffe/Bartiromo interview segment was a Christmas gift of truth providing another sterling example of how the analysis at Moonshine has been two things: 1-remarkably accurate and often years before others report the same and 2-widely ignored by those same others.

Remember, too, that these others include about every right to right-leaning media outlet you can name and a bunch of prominent people.

They refused to engage on; much less report on, all of this back in mid-2020 when I reported it to them.

What does the world look like today had these people reported then what they are reporting now?

More importantly, what does the world look like going forward now that others are finally reporting the truth?


Previous Moonshine on ODNI report: DISMANTLED: Part I – ODNI Report on COVID-19 Wuhan Origins Is an Exit Strategy.

Go deeper or watch the interview: TGP.

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