In a move that has sparked widespread concern among Second Amendment advocates, Colorado House Democrats have recently passed a bill that imposes a ban on AR-15s and 9mm pistols with threaded barrels. As the debate over gun control rages on, these new measures have ignited a fervent discussion about the limits of government intervention and the effects of such legislation on law-abiding citizens’ rights to bear arms.

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The bill, which was passed on April 15th, has drawn sharp criticism from conservative voices who argue that it infringes upon the constitutional rights of gun owners. The ban specifically targets popular firearms commonly used for self-defense, target shooting, and sport shooting.

Proponents of the bill argue that it is a necessary measure to enhance public safety and reduce the prevalence of gun violence. However, skeptics assert that such restrictions unfairly penalize responsible gun owners while doing little to address the root causes of criminal activity.

Interestingly, an analysis of Colorado crime statistics provided by the FBI tells a different story. According to data, the rate of rifle and shotgun murders within the state is incredibly low. This fact raises questions about the necessity of imposing strict limitations on firearms that are statistically linked to minimal instances of crime.

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From Rally for our Rights:

A Brief Analysis:

There were 209 persons murdered in Colorado in 2019. Rifles were used in 5 of those murders. Handguns were used in 83, and knives, other weapons, and hands (fists and feet) combined were used in 74.

In terms of all murders in 2019, rifles were used in 2.39%. That’s the second lowest percentage, with shotguns being used the least in 1.44% of all Colorado murders, in 2019. Rifles were used much less than even non-firearms weapons and methods, such as knives, other weapons (both being used in around 15% of all murders, that year). Rifles were used less than half as much as bare hands, or feet (use in about 6% of all murders). The most frequent weapon used for murder were handguns, they were used in 39.7% of murders.

In terms of Crude Murder Rates, the rate for rifles is 0.089 per 100k population. That means that less than one tenth of a person is murdered with a rifle for every 100,000 people in Colorado. The Handgun Murder Rate was 1.48 murders per 100k population.

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Critics of the gun control bill argue that it places an unnecessary burden on law-abiding citizens, infringing upon their rights without offering any substantial contribution to public safety. They contend that responsible gun ownership and responsible legislation can coexist, prioritizing the protection of individual liberties and the right to self-defense.

As the contentious debate continues, activists from both sides of the argument are voicing their opinions. Organizations like Rally for Our Rights have emerged as strong advocates for protecting Second Amendment rights and highlighting the incongruity between the proposed bill and the actual crime statistics in Colorado.

Amidst the legislative battle, it remains to be seen whether these new gun control measures will withstand potential legal challenges or if alternative solutions will be sought to address public safety concerns without infringing on constitutional rights. The nation watches as Colorado’s controversial decision unfolds, shaping the broader conversation surrounding the balance between individual freedoms and public protection.

Dragonman’s put together a list of the emails of the Colorado politicians:

Email Senate Committee Reps:
[email protected]
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Email all CO Senators:
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House Dems that voted no:
[email protected]
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