The massive Intelligence Community propaganda system that would make Joseph Goebbels blush with envy has done precisely what it was projected to do: explode in its designs to drive the Trump “bloodbath” narrative. The only question for those looking at things through the correct lens is what is the operational objective? I outlined the IC’s operational objective in yesterday’s article and in summary it reduces down to the 2024 election being stolen like 2020 with planned protests infiltrated by agitators and dog whistle assets to construct a fraudulent “insurrection” to once again attribute to President Donald J. Trump and his unprecedented historic voting base of tens of millions.

Intelligence Community Narrative: 2024 Is Going To Be A “Bloodbath”

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Plausibly, the fraudulent “insurrection” lends towards being a much grander operation in 2024/2025 with multiple demonstrations in multiple large urban areas under Democratic control for decades where corrupt and complicit mayors and governors can work in concert to activate the National Guard in martial law scenarios.

It would be wise to factor into that equation the 15 million illegal immigrants [DJT’s last cited number] that have entered CONUS illegally and where a fifth column of jihadists is contained within them.

It would also be wise to acknowledge the racism and systemic racism underpinnings to the cultural Marxism poisoning the minds of Americans because the violence that is coming our way is certain to include constructed or co-opted authentic incidences of racial violence including scenarios like George Floyd, which was accurately projected 3 weeks ahead of time.

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Constructed or co-opted events of racial violence will be tied to the “white nationalism” legal architecture being leveraged to target Biden’s political opposition and the paralleling effort to further undermine the Second Amendment on the continuum of its elimination.

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The overarching analysis for those positions is contained in this: THE HUNT IS ON.

Ergo, all of these future violent events will be leveraged to bring enough “Republicans” around on the Second Amendment to begin taking the most drastic cuts into gun rights ever seen and it is guaranteed that “assault weapons” and 9mm caliber will be central to it.

World’s Leading Gun Exporter Created A Backdoor To Destroy The 2nd Amendment

This is because the AR-15 and the 9mm are the two most widely owned firearms possessed by lawful gun-owning Americans so if Biden cares to eliminate both on behalf of his principal China and in a pre-kinetic phase of an ongoing war so as to further soften the CONUS target for eventual occupation, a fraudulent narrative must be constructed around both and that’s exactly what has occurred.

In turn, the IC and its stolen Executive and DOJ functionaries will cite this fraudulent “insurrection” or series of “insurrection” events like they did in 2021.

The IC will do this to continue hunting the installed Marxist communist regime’s political opposition to finally silence them forever, which includes literal elimination by imprisonment or death.

That’s been happening for 3 years, now with no end in sight.

Relative to the analysis and findings, it’s important to remember how the Intelligence Community propaganda machine works:

Take the analysis from yesterday’s article and the series THE HUNT IS ON and overlay it with the introduction to this article; and then overlay it with this for full understanding:

When projection after projection hits the mark with such precision, the analysis containing those projections should be considered for widespread dissemination and for one simple reason outlined in yesterday’s piece: “One thing is for certain, Americans have a reckoning coming their way and to some degree, bloody it will be.”

It’s coming.

A stolen election and plausibly massive amounts of bloody protest that will be used to hang MAGA and galvanize the final throes of conversion to Marxist communism.

No more excuses, America.

You reap what you sow or in this case, you reap what you permitted others to sow in your stead.

It’s time to grow-up, put on your big-boy pants and deal with this thing head-on before the Intelligence Community goes 9/11 on us again.


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